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Alex Craig Coaching

An uplifting rebrand for Alex Craig, an intuitive life coach and yoga instructor.

Brand Strategy

After conducting competitive research and analysis and interviewing Alex about her practice, Jamie compiled an extensive brand strategy document that consisted of Alex’s mission, vision, brand positioning, values, and more. The strategy document also included a complete roadmap for social media content, blogging, and email marketing. Jamie worked closely with Alex to uncover her brand why. Alex believes that we are all inherently good and whole. She believes we learn from past experiences. She believes that we each have a higher calling. Alex believes that everyone is worthy of knowing and loving their best self.

Jamie and Alex explored the idea of self-love. It’s something everyone talks about—but what does it actually mean? Jamie created the tagline Discover your Love for Alex as a nod to the fact that self-love looks different for each of us. When a client works with Alex, they’ll work toward finding what their version of love is.

Brand Identity

Using the brand strategy as a guide for her identity, Jamie was able to create a fun, warm, and inviting brand for Alex. She focused on Alex’s target audience to find a look that would resonate with them, but also kept in mind that Alex's clientele continues to diversify. Jamie created something that felt true to Alex’s personality while still resonating with her current and future audiences.

All Photography By Julia Shepley


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